Take A Moment - Eternity & Your Success May Depend on It.

Today I want to bring you something that's not directly related to confidence building but non-the-less, something that I hope will be a little thought-provoking.

Reading through the guest article below has certainly made me stop and think about what I am doing in my life and about the value of my goals and dreams.

It has certainly given me motivation  & inspiration!

Please do read it through to the end - you may just find it as useful to you as a list of 25 motivational tips!

What Will They Be Saying About You?

Have you taken time to consider what your life will have represented once you are gone? Do you think about what your possible future generations might learn from your experiences in life? Will your ancestors be proud, motivated or inspired by your accomplishments? Will you leave a legacy behind?

What is a legacy? 

The dictionary definition is: "Anything handed down from the past, as from an ancestor or predecessor."

I believe most people consider that a legacy is simply the money, property they leave behind, as in their will or trust. While not having any personal experience with receiving any financial legacy, I can imagine it would be great to receive a financial inheritance.

There is another form of legacy that I think can mean as much or more than any financial inheritance. This is the legacy of accomplishment. This is the kind of legacy that inspires new generations to believe in their potential and motivates them to achievement.

I recall watching a television show recently. In the show people were being aided to discover their genealogy and learn about their ancestors. I watched as person after person learned something about a long deceased relative that represented a significant accomplishment in life. Their eyes would light up and they would swell with pride after learning about something their great, great, ancestor had accomplished. "My ancestor was a ________________," they exclaimed. They were so very proud and you could see that they felt empowered by the newfound knowledge.

Who would not be excited to know they came from the lineage of someone who was highly successful or made some great contribution to the world. I can see how it would make someone have a greater level of self-confidence. Give them a desire to live up to those accomplishments made by those who came before them.

This is the type of legacy I am concerned with in this article. The legacy of accomplishment. We only have a finite number of days on this earth. It is up to each and every one of us to use what time we have to take full advantage of the gifts and talents we possess. I consider it a great blessing to be able to leave behind a legacy to those who may come after me. To think that possibly my great, great, grand children might be reading my books, or using my products excites me. I cannot imagine how much I would treasure a book written by my great, great grandparent. It would be a priceless treasure, I would pass down to the next generations.

Through our legacy we can live in and pass on to our future generations, our beliefs, our passions, our wisdom and our achievements. What you do now will determine what your legacy is after you are gone.

What will your legacy be? 

What will they be saying about you?

Pastor Alvin Dawkins is an Inspirational Speaker, Author and Success Coach. He is the Author of the Amazon top 100 Best Seller RISE to GREATNESS and RISE & SHINE. You can connect with Alvin on twitter @AlvinDawkins, on Facebook.com/Alvin.Dawkins.50, or on his blog http://www.alvindawkinsblog.com/, or his website http://www.alvindawkins.com/

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