How To Be Confident: Ginny's Story

OK - I'm going to go out on a limb today and bring you something different to read.

I'll be honest - I wasn't sure about publishing this on my blog and I've had this piece sitting on my desktop for a week or two now but I though maybe this story would strike a chord with a few people reading this.

You see, it's a true story. It's not written by me - it just arrived in my inbox from a lady who regularly follows what I write. Her name is Ginny and although she doesn't want her full name published, she's happy for me to share her story with you.

So take inspiration and follow your goals with determination and persistence - just like Ginny.

Ginny's Story

All throughout my life, I had been overweight. I was always put down and made fun of. So, when I lost over 100 pounds a year ago, I had to learn how to feel more confident, something I never felt before. Here are some ways I was able to gain confidence.

I went to the mall with my sister and went shopping for new clothing. When trying on some clothes in the dressing room, I realized that what you wear really can boost your confidence. I looked in the mirror and for the first time in my life, I could honestly say I looked good

. Now, this did not mean I was going to start dressing proactively; it just meant that I could finally wear form fitting clothes that showed off my body.

I have come to realize a major part of feeling more confident means putting the past behind me. I cannot think of myself as the overweight girl from high school. I am a woman now and I have really come into my own. I am just as beautiful as any other woman out there. Without this kind of thinking, I never would have been able to build confidence.

When it comes to figuring out how to feel more confident,  it is imperative that you distance yourself from negative people.

For example, in college, I had a boyfriend. Unlike me, he was in good shape and very handsome. Honestly, I do not even know why he was with me in the first place. At any rate, he began downgrading me, talking to be like I was nothing. He would make fun of my weight, calling me a "pig" and "whale".

When he would get together with his friends, they would make jokes about me. When he broke up with me, I was devastated because at the time, I thought I could not do any better. Looking back at this point of my life, I realize what a jerk he was. Being around people like him is just going to bring me down. Now, I have a loving husband who makes me feel good about myself. Getting compliments from him sure does boost my confidence!

I have found that being more social helps make me feel more confident. When I was overweight, I kept to myself. I think I did so because I hated the way I look. But, I finally got out of my shell and joined a dance class. Not only did that help contribute to my weight loss, but it helped me develop confidence. I felt good that I was able to succeed at something and at the same time, I made some great friends from the class who I still speak with today. It really was a great confidence booster.

I am not going to sugar coat things--feeling more confident is not something you can just snap your fingers for and instantly feel better. But, with the right mindset and persistent, you can gain that confidence you have always been missing.

-- Ginny, USA.

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