10 Ways To Stop Negative Thoughts Getting Hold of Your Mind

If there's one single thing we are all good at - and need no practice at - it's Negative Thinking.

Those destructive, mischievous Little Devils worm their way into our minds without any problem at all and sit there, spreading their evil influence, totally unhindered until your conscious mind is completely overwhelmed with their confidence-destroying poison!

And most of us don't have to do anything at all to encourage their total domination - we are all Gold Medal Winners in the Negative Thinking Race in Life.

OK, so enough of the metaphors but I'm sure you get my point :)

Positive Thinking is Hard; Negative Thinking is Easy!

So here’s some tips designed to help you evict those Little Devils from your thoughts once and for all, allowing you to actively work on replacing them with self-empowering, confidence-building positive thoughts that will attract only the best things into your life.

So why wait? Let's get blasting our negative & destructive though patterns into oblivion right away!

1. The only person who suffers because of your negative thoughts is YOU. Choose not to do this to yourself.

2. Read positive quotes and inspirational sayings daily. It’s surprising how effective it is to be uplifted by reading other people’s positive words.

3. Smile. Things always feel better when you are smiling. Make it a habit and soon you’ll be smiling without even knowing it.

4. Make a specific effort not to use negative words in your conversations. Always try and remain upbeat and never complain about other people.

5. Don’t fall into the habit of thinking negatively about someone you know. This can color your whole attitude. Instead, try and look for some positive things about that person. Remember that none of us are perfect and cut them some slack!

6. Choose to alter the tone of your thoughts from negative to positive. For example, don’t tell yourself that  This problem is too difficult for me,”  instead rephrase your thought and say,  This problem is certainly a tough one. I need to find a way around it!”

7. Understand and accept the fact that everyone makes mistakes and that nobody is perfect. Therefore, why should you expect yourself to be perfect all the time? Be kind to yourself and allow yourself to be imperfect.

8. Don’t let other people’s negative attitudes infect your own outlook on life. Spend your time with positive-minded people instead.

9. Remember that failure is simply an event and that it doesn’t define you as a person. Make yourself comfortable with failure and see it as merely a stepping stone to success. Don’t be afraid to fail – everyone does!

10. When you are feeling negative and low in mood, see if you can do something kind to help someone else. Shift the focus away from looking inwards towards yourself and look outwards towards others. It really will help you feel more positive!

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