17 Ways To Tell If You Have Low Self-Esteem

Do you think that you are suffering from low self-esteem but aren't really sure?

We all know what self-esteem is and many people know what it feels like but it's really difficult to find a definitive set of symptoms to compare yourself with.

For unless you know what the problem is, how can you start to fix it?

You'll find below seventeen common symptoms reported by people who suffer from low self-esteem. See if you can identify with some or all of them and if you score three or more then you could do with working on building your self-esteem and eliminating those symptoms forever.

Here's the list:

1. Social withdrawal & isolation.
2. Anxiety and emotional distress.
3. A disinclination to social conformity..
4. Lack of social skills and self confidence.
5. Depression and/or frequent feelings of of sadness.
6. A reluctance or inability to accept compliments .
7. A disinclination to treat yourself fairly.
8. Dwelling on and magnifying the negative aspects of your life.
9. Exaggerated concern over what you imagine other people think .
10. Neglect of yourself.
11. Treating yourself badly but not other people .
12. Nevertheless, worrying over whether you have treated others badly or unfairly.
 13. Reluctance to take on challenges.
14. Reluctance to put yourself forward.
15. Anxiety as to whether you can trust your own opinion .
16. Expecting to receive and things in life and never good things.
17. Eating Disorders.

Now, it's true that anyone can, at times, fall into a number of the above categories but we are really looking to identify long-term or permanent states and feelings here.

If you genuinely feel that a number of the above symptoms apply to you, then you can be sure that you are suffering low-self esteem.

Identifying this problem is the first step to overcoming it and you will find any number of good articles on this site that can help you start to build better self-esteem right away.

With perseverance, you will be able to banish your negative feelings and begin to feel better about your own value and worth.

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