Inspiration in Words and Images

Here are some of my favorite motivational & inspirational quotations.  I hope they inspire you too!

I'm the world's worst procrastinator - or rather, the best procrastinator -  so this quotation is very well known to me.

I take a look at this one when I am having trouble getting started on a particular task. It reminds me that unless I focus, time will slip by and I'll have achieved nothing.

My second choice to offer you is this quotation from Lucille Ball:

Everyone gets discouraged from time to time and motivation is often hard to hang onto.

Lucille's observation lets me realize that everyone - even the most famous and successful of people - feel the same way as I do sometimes.

Finally, I like this one because we are all climbing upwards towards our own personal goals but the path is rarely smooth and straightforward!

Changing your perception of the challenges that appear along the way as things that make life interesting (rather than irritating.....), certainly helps me to deal with them more easily.

The satisfaction of meeting them head on and working around them successfully, works wonders for building confidence too!

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