Success – What It Really Looks Like?

Success is what we all strive for yet few of us achieve.  Or do we?

The trouble is, very few of us actually know what we mean when we talk about 'achieving success' and we fail to understand that success may be something very different for every person we meet.

If we just spent a short time thinking about what the word 'success' really means to us personally, and then take the time to review what we have achieved over the past 3, 6, 12 months, we may just find that we are more successful than we give ourselves credit for!

Take a look at the image to your right and then read post below - they might just help you feel better about yourself.

Success – What It Really Looks Like?

I love, love, love the picture above – I feel saddened by people who focus so much on the actualization of the destination but not acknowledge the journey of what it took to get there.  It’s all very well to say ‘I get its all about the journey BUT….’, no buts in my book it is ALL about the journey.

99.9% of the people I see are hard on themselves, using their inner critic as a negative motivator, striving, driving, forcing their world to fit into their world view.  Don’t get me wrong I am all for high achievement but what is the point if you do not acknowledge the journey of what its taken to get there.

Numerous people who I meet at seminars have Masters, Doctorates, Double Degrees and it does not even touch the sides.  Some who have achieved numerous accolades do not even measure up in their mind – living into the next achievement and the next achievement.  There seems to be so much societal measurement on what success actually means.  This is obviously subjective to each individual but I highlight in my humble opinion what I believe success actually means:-

Top 12 Indicators Of True Success – From Author Sally Anderson’s Perspective

1.  I like this quote:   Success should not measured by your achievements alone, it should be measured by the obstacles that you have had to overcome

2.  Your ability to, with no reservation, celebrate and inspire others with your achievements – devoid of any fear of being ridiculed, judged, criticised – how on earth does one be inspirational unless one shares authentically/openly

3.  Embrace what it means to be selfish from an empowered perspective – one needs to learn, that if one is to win THEIR GAME they need to put themselves first and foremost and be proud of doing that without reservation

4.  Have gratitude EVERY day, knowing that you are closer to your dream – if you have not yet actualized what you are standing for does not mean it is not happening – you are being prepared, trust that

5.  Reward yourself along the way, not only when you have accomplished what you are standing for

6.  Realise that when you perceive things as NOT WORKING, they are working alright, it is ALWAYS in perfection for whatever it is you are meant to be learning

7.  Realise that living into the future creates dissatisfaction in the NOW moment – the future is a function of what you think in the now but if you are not living in the now moment every day you miss out on your life!

8.   Own that you are successful because you know that this is a mindset devoid of external achievement – if you base success on what you achieve externally then you miss out on celebrating what you have

9.   Realise that THIS IS IT, the most successful mental state one can have.  I truly do believe it is the most important asset one can have as a human being

10.  A successful person does not beat themselves up, make themselves wrong, constrains themselves due to self critique, complains about what they have not achieved – thats the glass half full philosophy. The successful person trusts themselves implicitly, knowing, that whatever actualizes externally will come when it is meant and not before then

11.  A successful person knows that being wealthy and rich has nothing to do with their bank balance

12.  A successful person learns from their experiences, embraces perceived obstacles but NEVER, NEVER, NEVER gives up.

Do not be in the 80-90% of people who go through life being so hard on themselves due to thinking that their success lives outside of themselves.  

I am one of the most successful people I know because I:-

1.  Love who I am, who I am becoming, and what I do

2.  Trust my faith implicitly, another priceless asset of someone who is successful

3. Have overcome obstacles to inspires 1000′s and have used my excuse for failure as my reason for success

4.  Am not trying to get somewhere other than where I am at to validate some external societal benchmark

 5.  I have freedom with money – it does not define me – I feel like the wealthiest woman alive with what I know and I trust that I will be compensated in kind – like the saying goes – the law of compensation although slow is thorough

6.  I am grateful for everything I have experienced, and everything I will experience for this is the beauty of life

7.  I learnt to trust and love unconditionally after a life of betrayal

8.  I do not allow anything external to sway me from the fulfillment of my vision – I have learnt the art of being ‘unstoppable’

9. I am fearless and own that as a human being this is extraordinary

10.  I know love, I experience love, I give love and receive love – what more does one want in a lifetime?

Next time you are questioning how successful you are, check it out!

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